
Creating a Sellable Business Idea: A Key Factor for Startup Success

Christie Pronto
July 25, 2023

Creating a Sellable Business Idea: A Key Factor for Startup Success

When it comes to launching a successful startup, having a great business idea is only one piece of the puzzle.

From software development to marketing strategies, there are many factors that go into building a startup that can stand the test of time and attract potential buyers.

Investing in yourself was the first big step; investing in your idea. The second-building solvency in your startup.

How do we advise hungry startups to stay in the game, call in the coach and find a win in business?

Sell Ice to an Eskimo?

A good idea isn't just about being creative and innovative. It's important to consider the financial feasibility of your idea as well.

Is there enough demand for your product or service to generate steady revenue?

Will you be able to make a profit?

It's essential to be fiscally responsible when building your business plan, so don't hesitate to consult with experts or business coaches who can offer guidance.

Ultimately, a sellable business idea needs to be unique, refined, and backed by data and market research.

Remember, you want sustained success down the road, so put in the time and effort to make sure your idea is worth investing in.

Solvency is key.

Put Me In Coach

In business, there's no such thing as knowing it all...

Successful entrepreneurs are constantly learning, adapting, and growing. This is where a business coach comes in. They have the experience and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of business, while also providing a fresh perspective on how to approach challenges and opportunities.

Remember, startup success isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, cliche perhaps but true.

A business coach can help you pace yourself and ensure you're making progress towards your goals. They can help you stay accountable, motivated, and on track to achieving your vision. If you want to achieve startup success, don't be afraid to lean on those who have created success themselves.

A business coach may just be the missing piece to your startup puzzle and further success.

Newton's Law

Yeah- we are that cool- quoting scientists and stuff.

But seriously this Newton dude had it right; "an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion..."

As a leader you must always have a strategic long-term plan and then have tactics created that will create those goals.

Dreaming that impossible dream is the easiest part- but then you must work, work, work, work, work...and then work a little more- yeah Rhianna- I went there.

Forward motion is never inevitable- preparation and constant solvency will create this momentum that your startup needs to not only survive but thrive.

Stay hungry.

Stay innovative.


Above all else, be useful- a good idea, a great salesman- well, they can sell ice to an eskimo.

Based on excerpts from the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 92.

Christie Pronto
July 25, 2023

Creating a Sellable Business Idea: A Key Factor for Startup Success

Christie Pronto
July 25, 2023

Creating a Sellable Business Idea: A Key Factor for Startup Success

When it comes to launching a successful startup, having a great business idea is only one piece of the puzzle.

From software development to marketing strategies, there are many factors that go into building a startup that can stand the test of time and attract potential buyers.

Investing in yourself was the first big step; investing in your idea. The second-building solvency in your startup.

How do we advise hungry startups to stay in the game, call in the coach and find a win in business?

Sell Ice to an Eskimo?

A good idea isn't just about being creative and innovative. It's important to consider the financial feasibility of your idea as well.

Is there enough demand for your product or service to generate steady revenue?

Will you be able to make a profit?

It's essential to be fiscally responsible when building your business plan, so don't hesitate to consult with experts or business coaches who can offer guidance.

Ultimately, a sellable business idea needs to be unique, refined, and backed by data and market research.

Remember, you want sustained success down the road, so put in the time and effort to make sure your idea is worth investing in.

Solvency is key.

Put Me In Coach

In business, there's no such thing as knowing it all...

Successful entrepreneurs are constantly learning, adapting, and growing. This is where a business coach comes in. They have the experience and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of business, while also providing a fresh perspective on how to approach challenges and opportunities.

Remember, startup success isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, cliche perhaps but true.

A business coach can help you pace yourself and ensure you're making progress towards your goals. They can help you stay accountable, motivated, and on track to achieving your vision. If you want to achieve startup success, don't be afraid to lean on those who have created success themselves.

A business coach may just be the missing piece to your startup puzzle and further success.

Newton's Law

Yeah- we are that cool- quoting scientists and stuff.

But seriously this Newton dude had it right; "an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion..."

As a leader you must always have a strategic long-term plan and then have tactics created that will create those goals.

Dreaming that impossible dream is the easiest part- but then you must work, work, work, work, work...and then work a little more- yeah Rhianna- I went there.

Forward motion is never inevitable- preparation and constant solvency will create this momentum that your startup needs to not only survive but thrive.

Stay hungry.

Stay innovative.


Above all else, be useful- a good idea, a great salesman- well, they can sell ice to an eskimo.

Based on excerpts from the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 92.

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