
Is Your Team Passionate?

Gary Voigt
July 15, 2022

Is Your Team Passionate?

But, About Your Business…

You hear it all the time from business owners—”Why am I working harder than my employees?” 

Well, the simple answer is, that you own the business! 

Let’s face it, your employees are never going to care or be more passionate about your business than you are. 

Because passion is directly tied to work ethic, it makes sense that the business owner (who’s hopefully passionate about their own business) will likely always have a step or two on their employees. So, is the key then making your employees more passionate about your business?

Sort of. But, not really.

What are they passionate about?

The real key to this important factor in your organization’s success actually comes down to finding what your employees are passionate about. 

There’s a difference!

Think about it, you can’t force passion on someone. Instead, find what your employees are passionate about and then place them in those roles within your organization. 

For example, at Big Pixel, we’re not going to put someone passionate about design in accounting. What we do is we find the best, most passionate people about design and place them within design roles in our organization. 

This approach ties roles within your company directly with people who wake up each morning passionate about what they do. That’s what really brings out the best in people. 

The reason many organizations fail and have high turnover is that the organization itself isn’t concerning itself with what its people are passionate about. They’re simply moving people around—sometimes at random—putting them in roles they might not even care about, and wonder why they have a workforce of uninspired people.  

At Big Pixel, our biggest asset is our team. The reason we’re able to deliver amazing results for our clients is that we start with ourselves. We work with the most passionate people in the industry, and they’re doing work that they love to do. 

And, that’s the work that always speaks for itself. 

Based on an excerpt from our BIZ/DEV podcast, Episode 41

Gary Voigt
July 15, 2022

Is Your Team Passionate?

Gary Voigt
July 15, 2022

Is Your Team Passionate?

But, About Your Business…

You hear it all the time from business owners—”Why am I working harder than my employees?” 

Well, the simple answer is, that you own the business! 

Let’s face it, your employees are never going to care or be more passionate about your business than you are. 

Because passion is directly tied to work ethic, it makes sense that the business owner (who’s hopefully passionate about their own business) will likely always have a step or two on their employees. So, is the key then making your employees more passionate about your business?

Sort of. But, not really.

What are they passionate about?

The real key to this important factor in your organization’s success actually comes down to finding what your employees are passionate about. 

There’s a difference!

Think about it, you can’t force passion on someone. Instead, find what your employees are passionate about and then place them in those roles within your organization. 

For example, at Big Pixel, we’re not going to put someone passionate about design in accounting. What we do is we find the best, most passionate people about design and place them within design roles in our organization. 

This approach ties roles within your company directly with people who wake up each morning passionate about what they do. That’s what really brings out the best in people. 

The reason many organizations fail and have high turnover is that the organization itself isn’t concerning itself with what its people are passionate about. They’re simply moving people around—sometimes at random—putting them in roles they might not even care about, and wonder why they have a workforce of uninspired people.  

At Big Pixel, our biggest asset is our team. The reason we’re able to deliver amazing results for our clients is that we start with ourselves. We work with the most passionate people in the industry, and they’re doing work that they love to do. 

And, that’s the work that always speaks for itself. 

Based on an excerpt from our BIZ/DEV podcast, Episode 41

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