
Rebuilding Innovation One Brick at a Time

Christie Pronto
January 3, 2023

Rebuilding Innovation One Brick at a Time

Having that once-in-a-lifetime idea that skyrockets you to fame and prestige is swell, but the truth is those are few and far between and in reality involve a great deal more blood, sweat, tears and constant innovation than one would think.

How can a business owner be expected to build a future in tech as empires are crumbling all around us?

 The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.
  -A.R. Bernard

Stuck in the Mud

Do you really have to reinvent the wheel to stay relevant and have continued success?


Butttt-you do have to roll with it; consistently envisioning your future business goals and then making choices as if you were already there- riding high; utilizing the tech of today to fund the innovation of your pursuits of tomorrow.

Remember the days of hitting the pavement for those deals? One of the biggest innovations of our lifetime- the world wide web, blew our futures wide open with the opportunity to work smarter not harder. Its strides like this that give you, as a leader and innovator, the potential to keep your business and ideas relevant and consistently growing by shedding old habits and processes and moving into the future of your success.

At Big Pixel we are led by the concept of "Before You're Awesome and Once You’re Awesome-essentially building innovation on the foundation of the past; plan for the future by making choices NOW as if you were there.

Stronger Together

Being the voice of innovation can be exhilarating but it can also be lonely. Thinking and acting as if you were your future-self does not come without its pit falls. How do you know you are making the right move? How can you ensure that your workforce will be safe? These are only a few of the questions you, as a leader and owner, will ask yourself.

Have you created the company culture and comradery that will sustain these innovations? If you have built your foundation properly- the answer is yes. When you are acting as a team- the risk isn’t as scary- its calculated and supported by loyalty, metrics, and consistent hard work.

Advice From a Pro

Committing to consistent forward movement is a trait of leaders, a trait of true trailblazers. You must be fearless in your quest for innovation and relevancy in tech- but how? Fake it until you make it? Not likely...

Lead with heart, kindness, skill and these three attributes and you too can be a pioneer for the future:

Be a Unicorn
Don't wait for approval to make bold moves. If you are backed by metrics, heart and a    solid plan- let your freak flag fly!

Be a Leader
Being a leader isn’t always about being the boss. Staying one step ahead of the market,   rallying your troops around your goals and motivating your team to strive for right are marks of a true leader.

Be Efficient
Remember that wheel we talked about? Well, don’t go spinning yours in the quest to reinvent what is already working. The key is to make a plan for the future based on the facts and foundation of the past. It’s about placing the right people in the right roles, allowing them to take that data and to create a new foundation for further expediency and forward motion.

So- you feel like you have the next million-dollar idea??? Dream that impossible dream and then plan...plan... plan...and plan some more.

Based on excerpts from our BIZ/DEV podcast, episode 62

Christie Pronto
January 3, 2023

Rebuilding Innovation One Brick at a Time

Christie Pronto
January 3, 2023

Rebuilding Innovation One Brick at a Time

Having that once-in-a-lifetime idea that skyrockets you to fame and prestige is swell, but the truth is those are few and far between and in reality involve a great deal more blood, sweat, tears and constant innovation than one would think.

How can a business owner be expected to build a future in tech as empires are crumbling all around us?

 The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.
  -A.R. Bernard

Stuck in the Mud

Do you really have to reinvent the wheel to stay relevant and have continued success?


Butttt-you do have to roll with it; consistently envisioning your future business goals and then making choices as if you were already there- riding high; utilizing the tech of today to fund the innovation of your pursuits of tomorrow.

Remember the days of hitting the pavement for those deals? One of the biggest innovations of our lifetime- the world wide web, blew our futures wide open with the opportunity to work smarter not harder. Its strides like this that give you, as a leader and innovator, the potential to keep your business and ideas relevant and consistently growing by shedding old habits and processes and moving into the future of your success.

At Big Pixel we are led by the concept of "Before You're Awesome and Once You’re Awesome-essentially building innovation on the foundation of the past; plan for the future by making choices NOW as if you were there.

Stronger Together

Being the voice of innovation can be exhilarating but it can also be lonely. Thinking and acting as if you were your future-self does not come without its pit falls. How do you know you are making the right move? How can you ensure that your workforce will be safe? These are only a few of the questions you, as a leader and owner, will ask yourself.

Have you created the company culture and comradery that will sustain these innovations? If you have built your foundation properly- the answer is yes. When you are acting as a team- the risk isn’t as scary- its calculated and supported by loyalty, metrics, and consistent hard work.

Advice From a Pro

Committing to consistent forward movement is a trait of leaders, a trait of true trailblazers. You must be fearless in your quest for innovation and relevancy in tech- but how? Fake it until you make it? Not likely...

Lead with heart, kindness, skill and these three attributes and you too can be a pioneer for the future:

Be a Unicorn
Don't wait for approval to make bold moves. If you are backed by metrics, heart and a    solid plan- let your freak flag fly!

Be a Leader
Being a leader isn’t always about being the boss. Staying one step ahead of the market,   rallying your troops around your goals and motivating your team to strive for right are marks of a true leader.

Be Efficient
Remember that wheel we talked about? Well, don’t go spinning yours in the quest to reinvent what is already working. The key is to make a plan for the future based on the facts and foundation of the past. It’s about placing the right people in the right roles, allowing them to take that data and to create a new foundation for further expediency and forward motion.

So- you feel like you have the next million-dollar idea??? Dream that impossible dream and then plan...plan... plan...and plan some more.

Based on excerpts from our BIZ/DEV podcast, episode 62

Our superpower is custom software development that gets it done.