
Solutions Evolve: The Age of Bad Ideas

Christie Pronto
July 11, 2023

Solutions Evolve: The Age of Bad Ideas

In this new era of innovation and growth in the startup realm, leaders must be keen on how to move through the mire of the mediocre and elevate their teams, their ideas and their processes to avoid becoming stale in the market.

How do we turn the paradigm of the bad idea on its head and learn that no idea is a bad idea and that problem solving, experimenting and solution driven processes evaluation is all part of this new age?

How do leaders foster bad ideas?

Get a Coach

The journey of a startup is filled with challenges and uncertainties, but it can be made easier by having a business coach. A business coach can provide the needed guidance and support to help you navigate through difficult decisions and take your business to the next level. They can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, while providing valuable insights on how to make the most out of them. 

Even as a leader, you don't know it all. Having someone with experience and knowledge in your corner can help you make informed decisions that will benefit your company in the long run.

So get yourself a cheerleader and a coach in business – they will be invaluable resources for your startup!

Learn Lessons

Every startup founder has to go through a learning process that involves trial and error. It is important to understand the lessons learned in startups so that you can avoid making the same mistakes and increase your chances of success.

One of the most important lessons that startup founders should learn is not to build something so fast. Slow your roll… Instead, take your time and think strategically about your business plan before rushing into fruition. This will help create solutions that are more effective and efficient in solving customer issues. 

Listening to customers is also key for successful startups as it can help them identify potential pain points before they become problems.

Be Informed

As a leader in a startup, it is important to learn how to balance between allowing your staff to run with their ideas and being informed without involving yourself in the solution. 

It is essential that you understand the importance of trusting your staff and giving them the freedom to make decisions while also staying informed about what is going on in your organization.

You must be able to recognize when it's time for you to step back and let your staff take control, as well as when it’s time for you to provide guidance or direction. 

This balance will enable you to create an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive while also ensuring that the organization remains on track towards its goals.

Take a deep breath and remind yourself and your team that sometimes, the best innovation comes from the worst ideas.

Based on Excerpts from the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 90.

Christie Pronto
July 11, 2023

Solutions Evolve: The Age of Bad Ideas

Christie Pronto
July 11, 2023

Solutions Evolve: The Age of Bad Ideas

In this new era of innovation and growth in the startup realm, leaders must be keen on how to move through the mire of the mediocre and elevate their teams, their ideas and their processes to avoid becoming stale in the market.

How do we turn the paradigm of the bad idea on its head and learn that no idea is a bad idea and that problem solving, experimenting and solution driven processes evaluation is all part of this new age?

How do leaders foster bad ideas?

Get a Coach

The journey of a startup is filled with challenges and uncertainties, but it can be made easier by having a business coach. A business coach can provide the needed guidance and support to help you navigate through difficult decisions and take your business to the next level. They can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, while providing valuable insights on how to make the most out of them. 

Even as a leader, you don't know it all. Having someone with experience and knowledge in your corner can help you make informed decisions that will benefit your company in the long run.

So get yourself a cheerleader and a coach in business – they will be invaluable resources for your startup!

Learn Lessons

Every startup founder has to go through a learning process that involves trial and error. It is important to understand the lessons learned in startups so that you can avoid making the same mistakes and increase your chances of success.

One of the most important lessons that startup founders should learn is not to build something so fast. Slow your roll… Instead, take your time and think strategically about your business plan before rushing into fruition. This will help create solutions that are more effective and efficient in solving customer issues. 

Listening to customers is also key for successful startups as it can help them identify potential pain points before they become problems.

Be Informed

As a leader in a startup, it is important to learn how to balance between allowing your staff to run with their ideas and being informed without involving yourself in the solution. 

It is essential that you understand the importance of trusting your staff and giving them the freedom to make decisions while also staying informed about what is going on in your organization.

You must be able to recognize when it's time for you to step back and let your staff take control, as well as when it’s time for you to provide guidance or direction. 

This balance will enable you to create an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive while also ensuring that the organization remains on track towards its goals.

Take a deep breath and remind yourself and your team that sometimes, the best innovation comes from the worst ideas.

Based on Excerpts from the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 90.

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