
The Age of Agile: Creating Efficiency in Process and Communication

Christie Pronto
July 4, 2023

The Age of Agile: Creating Efficiency in Process and Communication

Software as a Service has come a long way since the first Microsoft Driver discs, early iterations of Salesforce and CD-ROMS of yesteryear.

Initially created to cater to our very audience- those small businesses and startups that may not be able to invest in a full-scale system but still needed boutique style efficienc¡ies and user capabilities.

Online transactions, marketplaces, and clouds- oh my!

Saas growth has grown exponentially over the decades and now finds itself the cornerstone of many large enterprises and small businesses and startups, powering their processes and efficiencies.

How do startups keep their fingers on the pulse of this growth and continue to benefit from, and scale their businesses to this type of growth- without being left in the ether?

Be Agile

SaaS and services alike are creating streamlined innovation in your very own startups tech stack.

Integrate AI services into your processes? A breeze.

Be customizable? Flexible? You've got it!

You certainly can continue to keep your nose to the grindstone and ride that hamster wheel to victory but we can assure you it will be long, arduous and far less efficient.

Learning to be agile, rolling with the punches, removing steps from your processes, creating connections within your site, your commerce, your customer service; these customs and habits will not only keep you at the top of the food chain but will keep you competitive and productive in the market of your peers.

Custom Software Development

At Big Pixel we create custom software, functionality, platforms- whatever your startup needs and things they couldn’t even dream of- our Devs create, plan and maintain.

Why make the investment in software development? Why move forward in the field with sass (the spunk kind) not to be confused with the tech kind ( SaaS) and invest in your startup by investing in custom software?

1). Optimized Cost

2). Robust Security

3). Complete personalization

4). Improved Flexibility

5). Improved Scalability

List Excerpts from Scale Focus Article

Grow Wisely

The cycle of growth and sustainability is inevitable, the dynamic however has shifted in recent.

As a startup you have the capability of customization at every turn- of knowing what you need, when you need it, deploying it at the right time, maintaining it properly and knowing when its good enough to consume and grow and when it needs further efficiencies.

Knowing when to listen to your customers, creating efficiencies in processes, communicating what will maximize profits, working smarter not harder- all tried and true attributes of what the future leaders in SaaS and custom software development will exhibit.


Create more.


The future is your oyster.

Based on Excerpts of the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 89.

Christie Pronto
July 4, 2023

The Age of Agile: Creating Efficiency in Process and Communication

Christie Pronto
July 4, 2023

The Age of Agile: Creating Efficiency in Process and Communication

Software as a Service has come a long way since the first Microsoft Driver discs, early iterations of Salesforce and CD-ROMS of yesteryear.

Initially created to cater to our very audience- those small businesses and startups that may not be able to invest in a full-scale system but still needed boutique style efficienc¡ies and user capabilities.

Online transactions, marketplaces, and clouds- oh my!

Saas growth has grown exponentially over the decades and now finds itself the cornerstone of many large enterprises and small businesses and startups, powering their processes and efficiencies.

How do startups keep their fingers on the pulse of this growth and continue to benefit from, and scale their businesses to this type of growth- without being left in the ether?

Be Agile

SaaS and services alike are creating streamlined innovation in your very own startups tech stack.

Integrate AI services into your processes? A breeze.

Be customizable? Flexible? You've got it!

You certainly can continue to keep your nose to the grindstone and ride that hamster wheel to victory but we can assure you it will be long, arduous and far less efficient.

Learning to be agile, rolling with the punches, removing steps from your processes, creating connections within your site, your commerce, your customer service; these customs and habits will not only keep you at the top of the food chain but will keep you competitive and productive in the market of your peers.

Custom Software Development

At Big Pixel we create custom software, functionality, platforms- whatever your startup needs and things they couldn’t even dream of- our Devs create, plan and maintain.

Why make the investment in software development? Why move forward in the field with sass (the spunk kind) not to be confused with the tech kind ( SaaS) and invest in your startup by investing in custom software?

1). Optimized Cost

2). Robust Security

3). Complete personalization

4). Improved Flexibility

5). Improved Scalability

List Excerpts from Scale Focus Article

Grow Wisely

The cycle of growth and sustainability is inevitable, the dynamic however has shifted in recent.

As a startup you have the capability of customization at every turn- of knowing what you need, when you need it, deploying it at the right time, maintaining it properly and knowing when its good enough to consume and grow and when it needs further efficiencies.

Knowing when to listen to your customers, creating efficiencies in processes, communicating what will maximize profits, working smarter not harder- all tried and true attributes of what the future leaders in SaaS and custom software development will exhibit.


Create more.


The future is your oyster.

Based on Excerpts of the Biz/Dev Podcast Episode 89.

Our superpower is custom software development that gets it done.